Soooo, are you saying spirit or spirituality may be the invisible energy in matter?
Chris Tann
JoinedPosts by Chris Tann
Is It Spirituality or Mentality?
by Chris Tann inthere are many religious people who say they pray for holy spirit and feel better.
some who are over stressed will say they keep praying for a calm disposition until the stress and anxiety disappears,claiming it is god's spirit.
others will ask jesus into their hearts and feel an overwhelming sensation of peace and clarity.
Is It Spirituality or Mentality?
by Chris Tann inthere are many religious people who say they pray for holy spirit and feel better.
some who are over stressed will say they keep praying for a calm disposition until the stress and anxiety disappears,claiming it is god's spirit.
others will ask jesus into their hearts and feel an overwhelming sensation of peace and clarity.
Chris Tann
There are many religious people who say they pray for Holy Spirit and feel better. Some who are over stressed will say they keep praying for a calm disposition until the stress and anxiety disappears,claiming it is God's spirit. Others will ask Jesus into their hearts and feel an overwhelming sensation of peace and clarity. Are these really experiences of individuals being blessed by God,having their prayers answered? Or could it be something else.
The study of neuroplasticity has proven that our brains can be wired or rewired to feel great happiness or joy. To be estatic and hopeful all by just constantly programing your brain with positive upbuilding thoughts. In his book ,What To Say When You Talk To Yourself(I highly recomend reading) ,Shad Helmstetter has found in his research that the sub-conscious mind is like a computer. Whatever we tell it; or program, it will download it,store it and look for similar references in the memory. The crazy part is ,that what you tell it may not even be true, however if the thought is registered convincingly, and repeatedly, it will believe it and then start to act upon it. Example: "Iam really fun at parties because Iam funny and perceptive"; according to neuroplasticity, if this is said often enough,and in detail, your brain will start to believe it and start acting the program out ( the same is true with negative programs).
The point is,therefore, could this explain the emotions, feelings, courage, calm and heightened sensations we get when we pray? The mind is very powerful,and it can decieve us. How can a Godly person really know if they are receiving God's spirit or the effects of neuroplasticity?
However, maybe that is what God's Spirit really is; a certain positive mental disposition. After all the word for spirit in the Bible does mean breath. This implies an invisible force( one's mental disposition) that moves something ( moving us to act a certain way). In any case; if you want to achieve your dreams or just be happy, please check this book out and make an effort to apply it. I did,and I can honestly say... it works.
Girls names
by FeelingFree inok so i know its not really anything to do with jwness but we are struggling with baby names and really can't think of one we both like.
its getting a bit desperate as i'm due in about 8 weeks .. i'm getting bored of looking at the same old names on the baby names websites so any suggestions would be much appreciated (girls please).. **cash prize for the one we choose!
** ....... no not really lol.. .
Chris Tann
Arneese: are-niece
Was It Designed? Rabies Purposeful Mode of Transmission.
by Island Man inwas it designed?.
rabies' purposeful mode of transmissionrabies is caused by a number of lyssaviruses that attack the cells of the nervous system disrupting their normal function.
symptoms include painful spasms in the muscles of the throat and larynx of patients, accompanied by a strong aversion to drinking liquids - hydrophobia.
Chris Tann
Excellent points to consider Island man and cofty. I do put out there my reasonings in hope that reasonable educated individuals will respectfully give me answers. Thanks for being that! :)
Was It Designed? Rabies Purposeful Mode of Transmission.
by Island Man inwas it designed?.
rabies' purposeful mode of transmissionrabies is caused by a number of lyssaviruses that attack the cells of the nervous system disrupting their normal function.
symptoms include painful spasms in the muscles of the throat and larynx of patients, accompanied by a strong aversion to drinking liquids - hydrophobia.
Chris Tann
Cofty:lol! No, I'm still reading it. In fact it's very convincing! Your answer is correct I must admit. I will continue to read the book and write a post on it when I'm done.
Simon: I feel a Christian has to admit that micro evolution is a fact. Animals changing to adapt does not mean they were not created. Having said that; to respond to Cofty pointing out that evolution is not a response to their environment: I thought the finches Darwin studied on an Island had evolved a tooth like thing on their beak to open seeds found on that island.
88JM: yes,I see you point. However according to creationists,if the flood did happen this would mess up all radio carbon dating,thus fossil dates would be inaccurate. I know, I'm reaching, but this is what Christians believe. Well, not all of them.
Was It Designed? Rabies Purposeful Mode of Transmission.
by Island Man inwas it designed?.
rabies' purposeful mode of transmissionrabies is caused by a number of lyssaviruses that attack the cells of the nervous system disrupting their normal function.
symptoms include painful spasms in the muscles of the throat and larynx of patients, accompanied by a strong aversion to drinking liquids - hydrophobia.
Chris Tann
Ok,I'm gonna take a stab at it. But I know I will be bombarded by ridicule. However, this is how I reason regarding rabies,lion teeth or any other violent means in the animal kingdom. BTW this is assumptions from a believer in a creator.
Animals may have all started out as vegitarians,not having the apendages that they have regarding killing and slicing flesh. But because of the fall of man ,sin (meaning to miss, as in missing the target of God's perfection) came upon man and God's blessing on earth and all in it was removed. God had designed living things to adapt,or evolve to survive it's environment. Therfore since the earths environment became dangerous and violent,living creatures changed;or evolved to survive (micro evolution).
Thus,even though these creatures were not created violent and savage,their genes were influenced by the cursed environment they now found themselves in and evolved certain defense mechanisms,ie; lions teeth, flesh burrowing wasps etc...
Books about early Christianity
by EdenOne ini've just finished reading two (imo) great books:.
"a history of christianity - the first three thousand years", by diarmaid macculloch.
"misquoting jesus", by bart ehrman.
Chris Tann
I recomend The Secret Initiation Of Jesus At Qumran. Also if you are open to hearing both sides of the argument: The Case For the Real Jesus, or mabey it's called The Case for the Historical Jesus by Lee Strobel.
To all secret faders who still believe in Christianity
by Chris Tann ini have been fading for six years now.
i only continue to do the minimum to keep my family together and to keep association with close friends.
i would like to hear your experience and how you are getting along.
Chris Tann
Thanx. How can we really know that these verses are talking about Christ literally in each believer and not meaning being absorbed with imitating Jesus in all we do,thus being in him figuratively speaking. Example: the influence and spirit(his motivational force) of a mentor is in his mentored?
To all secret faders who still believe in Christianity
by Chris Tann ini have been fading for six years now.
i only continue to do the minimum to keep my family together and to keep association with close friends.
i would like to hear your experience and how you are getting along.
Chris Tann
Thanks Giveme just... do you know of any good books that describe how the Bible tells us what we need to do to reveal the Christ in us? I will check out your youtube channel as well.
Was the Biblical Canon Directed by God?
by Chris Tann inthis is a question a sincere christian may agonize over after learning that some books of the bible were rejected by certain early christian groups,while other books that did not make the canon were accepted.
also,when one realizes that so called inspired writers of the greek scriptures quote from apocrypha,that most christians reject today,one wonders if these writings that include these quotes should even be in the bible.. it is true that when it comes to the christian greek scriptures the canon has been closed for many centuries.
also, these books have been accepted by christians ever since the second,perhaps first,century.
Chris Tann
To Apognophos:I will take you advice and look further on that site. The Exodus statement "if only we had expired in Egypt" can mean collectively speaking. For example they may have meant if "we" the jews;as in our forefathers had expired in Egypt we today would not be in this horrible plight.
To Humbled: yes you are right, it will always be a mans interpretation. I just favor the best explanation that I can find. However what totally convices me may not convince someone else,and I take that into consideration. That is why I consider myself a Notsurist,and dont demand others to believe what I have concluded.
To Designs: I think the long conclusion of Mark was just another Christian group adding their tradition of what they were taught. It seems to me that the gospels were very fluid when first put out, and each community contributed according to what they were told.